Friday, September 18, 2009

Age rings in the navel

Oh, these young people! They closed in his room, sitting for hours on the Internet and generally behave with their parents as if they were aliens. In the 12-year impulsive debater impossible to know the former compliant 10-year-old child, with whom it was so easy. What happens?

This is the beginning of adolescence, when hormones are so important to view their peers. Adolescents are not adults, but not small children.

Transition age makes parents bitterly regret that their child is not attached instruction manual. How to survive this time - from 11 to 14 years? This age sitting in chat rooms and navel rings in? How to rediscover how to communicate with the child, who always was there, but suddenly began to turn into an adult?

Dealing with teenagers sometimes difficult. They are vulnerable and the bayonet perceive any criticism from the parents - even the most innocuous. At the same time they themselves criticize any expression of adults. In short, parents and children during this period speak different languages.

Let's talk, Mom?

How to talk to a teenager? Here are some practical recommendations.


* Pay attention to him. Turn off the TV, put down the paper and completely switch to the child. Give him a chance to speak until the end before they begin to argue.
* Look, he says. In other words, pay attention to his nonverbal behavior: facial expression, posture and intonation. For example, the word "Super!", Depending on how it is uttered, may also indicate a high degree of admiration and quite the opposite.
* Make sure that the point of view of adolescent understood correctly before to voice their own opinions or give advice. Do not make assumptions.
* Use active listening. Periodically loud summarizes what is behind the words of a teenager. Here's an example. Teenager (tearfully): "The teacher on the history of unfair. She hates me and always comes over to me. I'll stay for the second year. " Parent: "You hurt, you're not sure of themselves. Instead, adults often say: "No, the teacher does not hate you. You just need to do more, and you'll be best in class ".
* Stick to the topic. Teens - masters divert the conversation away. It looks approximately as follows. Parent: "Go to your room and move in the room. The teenager answered: "Why are you such a bad mood?".


* Talking patronizing tone.
* Arrange interviews. ( "How much did you come to Anna?" Who else was there? "What did you do?" And her brother was there? "And what did you do then?")
* Teach. ( "When I was your age ....")
* Prove that the adults are always right. Teens acutely aware of their dependence and often enter into verbal fights with her parents for the right to vote.
* Pester with tips like: "I would be in your place ..." in response to any replica of the child.
* Read morality.
* Ridiculing, called names, make disparaging and derogatory comments.
* Find fault.

Try as much as possible to participate in the life of the child.

Participate in children's lives

Many parents mistakenly have a policy of non-interference and detached watched as children get older. Adolescence requires the highest attention. Parents should be aware of all aspects of life of a teenager, to get acquainted with his friends and their parents know where he is, what makes the school and is doing in your spare time.

Only an open discussion would help to know that a teenager is thinking about the experiments with alcohol or sex, and prepare it for physical and emotional changes, with whom he will inevitably face as they grow older.

Set framework

Teenagers, it is important to know the limits of their independence, but to acquire their own life experience. Only this can instill in them a sense of independence and self-esteem.

Of course, in cases where there is a real threat to life and health (eg, drug use), or a teenager can not do at their discretion, parents should hold their line and warn him of the possible consequences. For example, in punishment for what a teenager interrupts adults during a telephone conversation, you can then keep at bay the entire day to his unit. The main thing - an act, not threaten in vain.

If, despite all efforts by the parents, the teenager is still worried, should not take it personally.

Adolescents engage in polemics on any subject, but this does not mean that they hate their parents or see them as bad. Irritation is not directed at anyone personally. It's just a struggle for territory.

If these methods do not help, try with the child to turn to marriage counseling.
Rx Kentucky

Do plastic surgery teenager?

Almost all teenagers are dissatisfied with their appearance. At this age, boys and girls begin acutely aware of their characteristics and depend heavily on the views of their peers. Your son or daughter may want to get rid of moles, correct the shape of the nose or ears.

In 2006, U.S. adolescents was made about 250 thousand plastic surgeries. Treatments ranged from reducing the volume of the chest to Botox injections. Why do so many teenagers are trying to "go under the knife? One reason may be low self-esteem. Plastic surgery is perceived as a quick way to gain popularity. Equally important may be an example of a relative that made a facelift, or a Hollywood celebrity with a silicone-inflated lips.

In some cases, parents themselves dissatisfied with appearance of children and advise them to undergo cosmetic surgery, or present it as a gift for a birthday or graduation.

What plastic surgery to make teenagers more often

According to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons of the three most common surgery in adolescents aged 13 to 18 years:

* Rhinoplasty - nose correction
* Otoplasty - ears correction form
* Reduction of breast cancer in men - Remove excess breast tissue

Otoplasty is safe for children as young as 4 years of age. Other plastic surgery such as rhinoplasty and a reduction in breast cancer, to perform better after the cessation of growth, usually in late adolescence. Before you go to a plastic surgeon to talk to your child, explain the risk and find out what he or she expects to see as a result of the operation.

Sometimes teenagers worry about the defect, which is barely noticeable or at all is imaginary. Perhaps the child's own perception of violated Y. If you have such suspicions, try to consult with general practitioners, a pediatrician or a psychologist, as in this case, plastic surgery does not resolve the problem and can lead to more frustration.

Teach the adolescent to accept myself as is, and maybe change your lifestyle in a positive direction, may be more effective than surgery. Try to talk to him about the rules of healthy nutrition and sports. If a teenager inadequate perception of self, parents can encourage them to apply to psychological counseling.

Do I need plastic surgery for your child?

The teenager should be ready for plastic surgery are physically and emotionally. Here are some points that it is desirable to consider before making a final decision:

* Why did he or she wants to have cosmetic surgery? To get rid of the chaff or become more attractive / nd in the eyes of others? Does the he / she has physical discomfort? Perhaps a teenager so easily applicable to the operation because she had made for themselves to other family members?
* Is there another way to solve the problem? For example, losing weight through diet and exercise are much safer than liposuction operation, not to mention the fact that the sport generates useful habits for life. Less drastic measures - a new hairstyle, makeup or contact lenses - can also provide a great service. An effective method of improving self-esteem is a consulting psychologist.
* Is it realistic to view the adolescent about the possibilities of plastic surgery? Waiting whether he thought that his appearance would be completely different? Or that these changes will occur as if by magic in one night?
* Is he prepared for the recovery period? Recovery time can be quite painful and accompanied by swelling and bruises on-site operations.
* Adequately whether he / she assesses the risk? The operation can lead to complications from bleeding or infection, and ending with death. In some cases, to obtain the desired result may require reoperation.

The teenager should talk frankly with their parents and doctor about what he expects as a result of the operation. An experienced surgeon can not only talk about the particular procedures, but also help to understand whether the teenager needs it and how realistic his expectations. Only when all sides are equally aware of the situation, you can begin preparing for plastic surgery. Not Official Blog

Homosexuality in adolescence: stage of development?

Adolescence - time of change and sexual discovery. Disappointments and experiments - an integral part of this period.

During puberty, some boys and girls experience sexual attraction to people of their gender. For some it's a natural stage of development. Even a strong attraction does not mean that the child is sure to become a homosexual.

However, some teenagers attracted to members of the same sex does not pass with time. Some of the early years to understand its features. Others come to realize his own homosexuality gradually.

Homosexual love

These gay men (approximately 10% of the population) experience sexual attraction only to representatives of their sex. In addition, there are bisexual - people who experience attraction to people of both sexes.

Why some people are homosexual, and not others is unknown. There are several theories explaining this phenomenon:

* Heredity. Some scientists believe that sexual preferences are formed before the appearance of man on earth.
* Environment. According to this theory, sexual preferences are laid in early childhood.

It is known that sexual orientation is not chosen. It can not be changed by force of will, with medication or psychotherapy.

If your child is interested in the question of homosexuality, be sure to listen to him. Treat his problem seriously, do not ignore it.

Delicate issue

Some people do not accept homosexuality. Therefore, a teenager is difficult to speak frankly about it. Young people are often afraid of how this news will perceive members of their family and friends.

Sometimes young people are fleeing from the turmoil, pain and stress, using drugs and alcohol. Because of the sexual orientation of their treat at school. Some have suicidal thoughts. All this - serious problems requiring specialist intervention.

Adolescents who have experienced sexual problems, lack of communication. So, as at this moment would react to them, parents, strongly affects their self-esteem.

Tough talk

Parents are often not ready to discuss with the adolescent problems of homosexuality. But all is not lost if the child trusts you to such mysteries.

* Thank the child for the trust. Tell me, what he called the address, and you would try to help him.
* Tell your child that you are worried for him that you love and accept a son or daughter, regardless of his (her) sexual orientation.
* Explain that his desires are caused by hormonal changes typical of the transitional age. Tell me that this could be a temporary phenomenon. Sexual attraction to a representative of the same sex is not always evidence of homosexuality.
* Help your child find the answers to their questions. Sometimes to help your child understand their feelings can be a psychologist.

Some parents unbearable to think that their child is homosexual. Still your teen deserves and needs your love. Never leave him alone with problems.
Rx Nebraska