Sunday, December 13, 2009

Red eyes? Conjunctivitis

I kid blushed eye?
Or even both at once?
Rather, it is conjunctivitis.

What illness?

Conjunctivitis can be deciphered as "inflammation of the conjunctiva. In principle, our conjunctiva fairly resistant to infection. Tear fluid has antibacterial activity through the content of immunoglobulins, components of complement, lactoferrin, lysozyme and beta-lysine. They "devour" bacteria and prevent inflammation develop. Our lids also protect the eyes: they are mechanically washed away a tear and thus reduce the number of bacteria on its surface. However, even these barriers are not always save. Pathogens of conjunctivitis may be bacteria (staphylococci, meningococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, diphtheria bacillus), viruses (influenza virus, adenoviruses, measles virus, herpes virus) and chlamydia. A special group of distinguished allergic conjunctivitis. Their cause may be the pollens, dust, odors, etc.

Look in the eyes

The course of illness in babies quite different than in adults. In young children with conjunctivitis broken sleep and appetite, they refuse to even the favorite foods, become cranky, do not want to deal with the usual toys. Because of the itching kid rubs his eyes handles. Guess that it is conjunctivitis, it is possible to have the following characteristics: age of bonding in the morning, the formation of yellow crusts on the eyelids, photophobia, tears, and suppuration. In postponing the lower eyelid are visible swelling and redness of the conjunctiva. Do not forget that babies are no tears, so any discharge can be a sign of conjunctivitis. Older children may complain of burning, a feeling of a foreign body ( "sand") in the eyes, pain. Perhaps worse visual acuity, a child will say that he sees clearly.

More acute conjunctivitis occur in children under the age of 7 years. This is due to the fact that in this age, children are playing together and not yet accustomed to observe good personal hygiene. If the child attends kindergarten, you should immediately isolate him, to disinfect the premises where the contact children, and begin prophylactic instillation these children disinfectant drops.

Advice required!

If you notice changes in the eye of the child should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. It causes redness can be and did not get eyelash, and an attack of glaucoma (a disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure), and inflammation in the deeper shells of his eyes, threatening the loss of vision. If you immediately seek medical attention for any reason impossible, can provide first aid to the child alone. Necessary every 1-2 hours during the first day to produce toilet Eyes: brown with age removed with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of warm chamomile, furatsilinom or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and if not at hand these tools, then heated with boiled water. In the next 7 days conducting the same procedure 2-3 times a day. In addition to washing, disinfectants should be done instillation of drops every 2-4 hours. You can use 10% (for infants), 20% (for children over 1 year) solution albutsida, 0,25% solution levomitsetina, futsitalmik, eubital, vitabakt, kolbiotsin. There are special ointment: 1% eritromitsinovaya, 1% tetracycline, tobreks. As stihaniya process of burying the frequency decreases to 3-4 times a day. All washing and burying spend two eyes, even if only one red, because the disease often begins with one, and then moves to the other eye. Do not impose any bandages, because they are under all conditions (heat, humidity) for the spread of infection to the next shell of the eye (cornea) and the occurrence of keratitis. A keratitis can cause blindness.

Features treatment

Different types of conjunctivitis are some features of flow and treatment. Adenoviral conjunctivitis is the most common and most infectious. At first the child just rising temperatures, decreased appetite and headache. Then comes a temporary decline in the temperature, the condition seemed to improve. This is followed by a new rise in temperature, against which there is redness of the eyes. Discharge from him with a weak or absent. In addition to all signs of conjunctivitis increased lymph nodes, the child may be a runny nose and sore throat. As with all viral lesions, the sensitivity of the eye is reduced, ie will not tear, complaining of severe burning. Adenoviral infections are cured instillation of interferon Poludan, laying 0,25% tebrofenovoy florenalevoy or ointment for the lower eyelid.

The second highest prevalence of viral herpetic conjunctivitis. Conjunctiva with an often uneven, the edges of the eyelids and around the eyes often appear vesicles (bubbles) and pustules (blisters with pus). The child will be marked lacrimation, photophobia. Currently, the treatment effectively applied antiherpetic drug acyclovir (both local as well as inside).

Do not impose any bandages, because they are under all conditions for the spread of infection in the cornea and the occurrence of keratitis.

Staphylococcal and pneumococcal conjunctivitis characterized by acute onset, lesions in one eye at first, later - the second. Strongly expressed redness and usually goes much purulent.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis usually develops in newborns 2-3 days after birth. The source of infection are the mother's birth canal, medical personnel or objects of care. From the eye crumbs are abundant mucous discharge. Because of the strong swelling eyelids practically open. This conjunctivitis is very dangerous: if left untreated, can cause inflammation of the eye (endophthalmitis).

Diphtheria conjunctivitis is characterized by severe edema of the eyes and films, when you remove the blood that can go and cause serious scarring. Must wait until the paddy themselves "disengage" in 7-10 days.

Allergic conjunctivitis are separate and on occasion, and treatment. First, they are characterized by seasonal occurrence - the late winter and early spring. Secondly, it affects the two eyes simultaneously. Third, boys are more likely to get sick. Child will disturb a very strong itching. Treatment of the conjunctivitis differs from the others. The child should wear sunglasses, 2-3 times a day should be buried (only by prescription), immunosuppressants (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone), and allergy drops (lekrolin, allergoftal, spersallerg, allergodil, solution dimedrol).
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why do women have sex-list of reasons

Cindy Meston, a professor of psychology at Texas Tech University, and her colleague, David Bass, in his book Why Women Have Sex (Why do women have sex) presented a list of reasons why women have sex.

Among them are the most common - the desire to lose weight, get rid of a headache, or even simple politeness.

Excerpt from the new book publishes The Daily Mail.

In this excerpt from the book are amazing scientific facts behind the most common motives, wrote

Thus, the first cause of the writers called headache. And indeed: in the course of a sexual act of the head and neck muscles are often tense, and at the moment of orgasm raises blood pressure, which could aggravate the headache or cause it to rise. From a scientific point of view this is called koitalnoy tsefalgiey.

However, as noted by Meston and Bass, in their own research they were able to establish that some women are just trying to have sex to get rid of a headache.

As described 62-year-old woman: "I suffer from migraines, and I noticed that during sex. Especially if I reach orgasm, they are. Another woman said that the doctor recommended that she have sex to relieve the suffering from migraines.

The author explains how the sexual act can simultaneously, and cause, and cure headaches. In intimacy, our body produces hormones joy endorphins, chemically similar to morphine, they are something and act as a powerful analgesic.

Another common cause, which is called many women turned out to be surprisingly simple: a man just having a good kisser. Meston and Bass wrote that kissing escorted intercourse in 90% of cultures.

The fact that our lips were thickly studded with sensitive neurons, which are there more than anywhere else in the human body. Moreover, the connecting tongue, nose and cheeks.

In one study has found that kissing leads to lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and it calms and relaxes. Kiss also transmits information about the health of the partner, as well as bad breath can be a sign of illness.

Women tend to use the kiss as an emotional litmus test that shows whether or not to move to the next level.

Men kissing definitely do not have such a great value.

Polls showed that 53% of men are ready to have sex without kissing, while only 13% of women agreed to this option.

At the same time, a bad kiss - sexy switch. Another study showed that 66% of women's sexual attraction fizzles out after such a failure kiss.

Some women admit that they used sex to avenge his wrong partners.

"My husband cheated on me a couple of years ago. Then I gained weight after the birth of our daughter, and in general felt incredibly useless. Six months later, after I found out about his affair, I dropped the weight and betrayed him with his best friend. It was cool, "said one of the women.

As the authors write books, sex can help people lose weight, and some women increases the rate of having sex for this reason.

According to various studies, one of intercourse burns from 100 to 250 calories. Naturally, the gap is due to athletic component: pirouette worthy of ballet, burn more calories than just lying on his back.

According to a survey conducted among 1,400 women aged 18 to 59 years, the average woman has sex 6.3 times a month. For 20-30-year-olds, this figure is somewhat higher (7.5), for 50-60-year-olds, respectively, below (4).

Given that a kilogram of fat - that's about 7000 calories, the average woman burns in this way 1,7 kg of fat per year, in other words, if it ceases to have sex, saving habits and diet, ten years her weight grows to 17 kg. On the other hand, if a woman is having sex, rather than two to four times a week, and 18.3 and 36.6 minutes, it will burn the extra 2 kg of fat per year. Or, keeping the same weight, eat 17 chocolate desserts, 23 of sweet dumpling and 14 truffle per year more.

Many women, especially married women, called in as a reason for sex, even if they are not in the mood, the obligation to do so.

"I'm married for 32 years. And it seems natural after so long, that from time to time are you doing with my husband having sex just because you feel it my duty," said one 53-year-old woman.

For some, the authors point out, the conviction that sex - marital duty, rooted in religious beliefs, but for most of it comes from a cultural context where men are traditionally seen as the breadwinner of the family, in response to which the wife is the responsibility of raising children, household economy and the satisfaction of her husband. Despite the fact that today many wives also work, these ideas are still passed down to younger generations.

The authors also write that the fair sex with children are taught compassion and sympathy, worry about the feelings of others.

Several women in our own study, the authors admitted that they use sex as a tool of comfort. Many women younger than thirty years, was told that they had sex out of pity, because a man desperately trying to lose their virginity or could not invite anyone to visit.

In other cases, middle-aged women had sex with the same age, going through a hard divorce, while others did so to create a partner, feeling that he is loved and safe.

How to remind the authors of the book, to people as a social being constantly threatened by potential competitors, ready to seduce our partners in the affair or even a permanent relationship. Also, we are continuously faced with the threat that our partners will tear us hoping to find someone better.

The study showed that women often use sex to protect relationships. They carry out the wishes of the partner so that he remained happy.

According to Bass and Meston, many women, especially the young, among the reasons to have sex call and desire to improve their skills. Some said that they sought sexual experience, to avoid the humiliation of the fact that they will be seen as sexually inexperienced.

"When I first had sex, largely the reason was that I was 19 years old, and had the feeling that it is time to learn how it delaetsya.Ya wanted to know what to do next time," said one woman.

The authors add that from a scientific point of view, the more experienced woman in the sex, the greater the likelihood that she will reach orgasm.

This is confirmed by the classic study of Alfred Kinsey conducted a half-century ago, during which it was found that women reach their sexual peak between the ages of 30 to 40 years.

How to ensure a slow sex all night?

This is not just another way to revive the sex life, but a whole philosophy that came to us from Albion. Englishmen with great pleasure remembering those times when sex could last all night.

And now intimacy lasts an average of 20 minutes. This fact became clear during a special study published in the British magazine The Sun. But experts say that the exit is. They have great hopes for the so-called slow sex - slow sex.

This is not about to devote more time to private life. This implies a new approach to the familiar, in general, things. Gist of it is to enjoy without haste. To feel the taste of sex, to enjoy a variety of flavors, listen to the rhythms of nature, be natural.

"The first step should be a general principle slow in everyday life - experts explain. - It is impossible to feel relaxed, naturally in love, if in everyday life, two rushing like a madman."

So the basic rule: do not try to reach orgasm at all costs, to relax and enjoy the process.

No damage and partial planning visits. "Of course, a happy meeting of two lovers, and the process can not be organized like a trip to the notary. But in order to escape from the whirl of everyday affairs and concerns still need to think about the special space created solely for loving couples - without friends , children, relatives, lists of cases and products, and preferably the TV.

However, if you do not have enough for the whole night and besides you get up early tomorrow - does not matter. Remember that the second half of the day and generally during daylight hours, too, can become the prelude to the night. Above all, no fuss. Hurry slowly. And always will!

The philosophy of sex. Tantric Sex

You have long and saturated with sexual life was gradually uspokaivatsya. All safe for life poses from Kamasutra tried, sexual games are played, extreme sex on the roof of the bus - your best recollection. Maybe it is time to try something radically new? For example, tantric sex. This, of course, for the very patient, because such sex session lasts from 2 to 10 hours, but you also want new sensations? Then - go! Tantric sex - is a special kind of love that allows you and your partner get to know each other better and to get at this unearthly pleasure. Believe me, the game worth the candle, you just do everything right, wrote

Some history

Generally, tantric sex - is part of a philosophical system, which came to us from India. This kind of intimacy involves not only physical but also spiritual connection is mandatory partners. It is believed that during such sex kundalini energy, sleeping in most of the lower chakras, awakened and rises upwards towards the head, through the energy channel in the spine. The task of man is not simply bring a woman to orgasm, but give her this unearthly pleasure! After all the usual European men intercourse lasts 3-5 minutes, and Tantric sexual contact is extended to 1.5 hours! But without the feasible help him, of course, nothing happens.

It is clear that for the expansion of consciousness, as it does with the true followers of tantra, need months of special training, but if you follow our advice, you can better understand the sexual preferences of each other! So, let's begin.

Increase sensitivity

As with any serious undertaking, Tantric sex requires careful preparation. We want to offer you and your partner a series of exercises that will allow you to both enhance the sensitivity and severity of sexual sensations.

Exercise 1. Of course, the sense of smell in humans is not as well developed as in animals, but it plays an important role in the relationship, especially in sex. So have a few items that have a characteristic odor. This can be anything that tells a fantasy - orange peel, ginger, perfumes, soaps, aromatic oils. However, as should explore these smells, and then play around in "guessing": tie a man's eyes and let him sniff you one thing or another - let them guessing! Then switch.

Guess correctly? Complicate the task: take multiple items, and ask your partner to guess - from what components made this product? This game will help you both learn to focus on their olfactory sensations.

Exercise 2. Now potreniruem touch: Take a few scraps of different fabrics - silk, denim, cotton, fur, and try to remember what they touch. Now - the same "Guessing", only with more erotic: a woman tying a man rubbed his eyes and turn fabric scraps from any part of his body. Then swapped.

Try to identify with those feelings, but should not be upset if you do not get everything at once - after all, you just learn.

Exercise 3. This exercise is very difficult, especially if the partners are not completing a music school. Turn on classical music and try to trace the party of any one instrument, as if you were trying to track down the voice of a good companion, who says something in a very noisy cafe with live music.

Exercise 4. Every time before the next tutorial need to brush your teeth and tongue and rinse your mouth with cool water. Now put in a glass of water with a pinch of sugar and stir to dissolve sugar completely. Try to taste (your partner should do the same!). If you do not feel the presence of sugar in the water, add a little more, stir again and try. Note - how much sugar should be that you and your partner finally felt his taste in water. Repeat this exercise with salt, and then - with lemon juice. Exercise is met successfully, if you learn to ignore half of the original amount of sugar, salt and lemon. As a "test" you can tie your partner's eyes - that he may not see exactly what you mix into the water - everything must be to be honest!

Tantric Sex for Beginners

You have long together, and was originally a violent sexual life began as a ustakanivatsya: all safe for life poses of Kamasutra tried, sexual games are played, extreme sex on the roof of the bus - your best recollection. Maybe it is time to try something radically new? For example, tantric sex. This, of course, for the very patient, because such sex session lasts from 2 to 10 hours, but you also want new sensations? Then - go! Tantric sex - is a special kind of love that allows you and your partner get to know each other better and to get at this unearthly pleasure. Believe me, the game worth the candle, you just do it right!

In charge - Stand up!

Exercises to enhance sensuality well also be combined with physical exercise, which will allow you both to extend the enjoyment and to ensure a strong and vibrant sensations during orgasm. First, it is "Kegel exercises", which you certainly do not forget to doing 10-15 minutes a day, but for those who forget, remember: you have to alternately stretch and relax the muscles of the vagina. This exercise is great because it can be done anytime and anywhere - at a meeting at work at the computer, in line at the cashier in the supermarket. And no one will notice.

And secondly, to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs can perform the following exercise: lie on your back, bend your knees, hands to extend along the trunk. Ready? Now lift and lower pelvis, only slowly and smoothly. Start with 10 times and gradually increase the number of ascents. The more the better. Thirdly, lie on the floor face down, forearms and palms on the sides of the chest. Straining your back muscles, raise the chest and threw his head back, staring at the ceiling. This exercise is enough to meet three times per session. Well, you are ready to proceed to the main point.


In tantric sex no trifles. You first need to prepare a place. In India, these practices were held in special temples, so that nothing extraneous distractions lovers from the merger of the bodies and souls. Of course, we do not offer you a trip to India, although it would be wonderful. You can create the right atmosphere and at home. Unplug the phone, get your computer, TV and other devices. Leave only heater - the room should be warm, because you also want to have fun, but not cold.

Engage in spiritual and bodily connection is better in daylight, and before the "X" it is desirable to abstain from sex at least a couple of days.

In your "church" should not be the brightest objects and nothing can divert you from each other. However, aromatic candles or oil burner with oils of ylang-ylang or sandalwood, as well as non-intrusive Eastern music or sounds of nature not only hurt the cause, but to tune you and your partner on the right footing. It is also necessary to prepare the bathroom: subdued lighting, better - aromatic candles, soft warm towels - all this is necessarily useful.

By the way, keep in mind that if a good breakfast before this event, you probably will not work. It is better to wear in the morning something erotic and prepare a light breakfast, full of aphrodisiacs: oysters, mussels, avocado, mushrooms, citrus, chocolate, coffee or cocoa - let go of his culinary imagination and the reward will not be slow to manifest themselves. Not bad to drink a glass of wine - it helps you both to remove residual stress after the working week and relax.

Preparatory phase

Thus, the atmosphere is created, it's time to prepare. First, partners must learn to breathe in unison: it needs to undress, lie opposite each other and imagine how your body goes through a bright orange energy flow.

Try making sure that your breath was simultaneously: inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. This exercise is necessary: it insists you to the desired wave, and you'll feel a whole. Got it? And no giggling, please. However, the initial sound of laughter can not be avoided, so relax and laugh - all the same you are all sure to get. The second part of the preparatory phase, you'd better spend in the bathroom. Hot water relieves muscle tension, and light massage with aromatic oils - you do not forget them, right? - Delicious in any case. Caressed each other simultaneously or one by one - as you like. There are no rules, except one - to have fun.

Main dish

Well, you laid on the table, you can now go to the main dish! Gently pat each other's body with soft warm towels and hand in hand, go into the bedroom.

Note - in tantra is important is not the sexual act itself, and the affection and close observation of sensations partner, so do not habitually close their eyes while fondling and sex directly. Admire each other - both of you are so beautiful! You can play a little with his sensibility: pieces of fur, brushes, make-up (new and natural, of course), feathers - all can be brought to bear. But no handcuffs, whips and brute force. Leave it for next time. Aerobatic studies also to anything, choose to copulate any position that does not require great effort.

Not bad, for example, try the pose of the "swing". If during the development of Kama Sutra, you is not got to her - remember: a man sits down, bending your knees, and the woman sits on top of him, and the couple begins to swing smoothly ... However, in Tantra, there can be no sudden movements, because the faster and sharper you both move, the faster the orgasm comes, and your challenge now - to prolong the sexual act as long as possible. One of the techniques of tantric sex is called "karetstsa" - "gentle touch": all actions committed knowingly, and partners enjoy every moment of sexual intercourse, but do not play in the wedding baboons in the pursuit of orgasm. Orgasm will come necessarily, but in tantra the culmination of much more powerful and longer than normal coitus.

It is important to move very slowly, trying to feel every movement of your body. And yet - at the time of tantric sex can not think of anything except the beloved and the process itself. So that important issues such as the impending whitewash the ceiling, the tax inspection or dinner tomorrow is postponed for later. It is very important! Making love, you both must be fully liberated. Now we can all - crying, screaming, moaning. If you are clamped, or about what tantra can be no question!

The most important issue

In general, if prior to this moment you have done everything correctly, you will spend several unforgettable hours, and stand up from the bed to date. But we can not answered the main question: how can a man can prolong sexual intercourse at least 30 minutes? Most men use for this purpose football or stock quotes. The reports, as well as football, is such that sex could end, really not begun, and in general tantra prohibits think about anything other than her partner. Therefore, in the process of sexual intercourse the man should not focus on football, and a woman on the observation of its reaction and move away while on himself.

It is useful to buy a book on tantric sex is not everything - train stock quotes potency ruin. Yes, by the way, most of these books, he can deduct that experienced male orgasm occurs without ejaculation. So it really is, and men are seriously engaged in tantra for years, can prolong intercourse almost to infinity. In Chinese Taoism, by the way, ejaculation in men is generally considered very harmful, because in this case consumes precious male yang energy.

However, this can by no means all, and if your partner suddenly decided that's just not on Monday to finish more than ever, still try to dissuade him because tantric sex at the end and because the man will not focus on the woman, but only in the absence of ejaculation. This is wrong. In tantric practice, as with any form of sex in general, the main thing - not the process itself, and you and your feelings. Wonderfull you orgasm!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Surgical treatment of venous insufficiency of the penis - is performed in case of defeat veno-occlusive mechanism of the penis.

History of surgery impotence began over 100 years ago and was trying to block venous outflow by ligation of deep dorsal vein. However, despite this long history of this method of treatment and apparent evidence of its effectiveness, this area of vascular surgery erectile dysfunction is the most controversial. The effectiveness of veno-occlusive surgery is not more than 50%, which is the reason for some skepticism about such operations.

Surgical treatment of arterial insufficiency of the penis - is shown in the case of insufficient blood flow to the cavernous tissue.

Arterial blood flow to the cavernous bodies is an essential component for the development of an erection. The causes of arterial insufficiency of the corpora cavernosa are divided into 5 categories:

* Arterial dysplasia
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* Cavitary deficiency
* Arterial spasm

The effectiveness of microvascular arterial bypass surgery highly variable according to different authors, ranging from 20% to 80%. Such significant variations in performance dependent on the diagnostic criteria, principles of patient selection and the type of operation.

The essence of this type of surgical treatment is to create a bypass arterial blood flow to the penis. This type of surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction should be run on strict condition is preferable in young patients, in whom the cause of arterial insufficiency of the penis is the trauma of the perineum and pelvis.
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Mechanism of erection

In ancient times, ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle assumed that the erection of the penis was advancing in the process of filling it with some "miracle gas." At the same time, medical experts claimed that there are some sculptures, represented in the form of women, who made all efforts to fill this "miracle gas" the penis of their partners. This is so ancient idea.
Modern science, much less medicine, no longer believe in such fabrications. What would nevertheless look into the matter, as happens errektsiya, let's talk a little about how the male sexual organ is arranged.
Member is a root, body and head. An erection occurs due to the "cavernous" bodies, or as they are called "cavernous" body. The functioning of the sexual organ depends on its blood supply and innervation. The rush of blood in the cavernous body is due to the pair of arteries. Nerves and other order viagra arteries, located in the side rear of the vein member. The penis has muscles, which act as fixers root penis to the bones of the pelvis and abdomen. The "cavernous" blood from the arteries of the body comes from the so-called paired arteries phallus and depart on a spiral arterioles, small veins. These veins are very important to maintain the elasticity, we'll discuss this later.
As we already know, the elasticity and resilience penis depends on the corpus cavernosum. They consist of numerous cells, which form a connective tissue septum. They represent a complex three-dimensional grid. However, when the penis is in a relaxed form, the small arteries and arterioles, which fall into the very cells of cavernous bodies narrowed. It is because of this condition, the blood does not reach the "cavernous" sexual organ of the body and he thus raslablen.
When a man is excited, the nerve endings in the soft tissues of the penis receiving a signal from the spinal cord and brain. It widens blood vessels, thus greatly increasing the flow of blood, from which and an erection. When sexual stimulation stops, the blood moves away from the penis, which leads him into a relaxed state.
From this it follows that if the blood vessels, for whatever reason, are functioning properly, a man can not properly achieve sexual arousal - erection - and extend it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Age rings in the navel

Oh, these young people! They closed in his room, sitting for hours on the Internet and generally behave with their parents as if they were aliens. In the 12-year impulsive debater impossible to know the former compliant 10-year-old child, with whom it was so easy. What happens?

This is the beginning of adolescence, when hormones are so important to view their peers. Adolescents are not adults, but not small children.

Transition age makes parents bitterly regret that their child is not attached instruction manual. How to survive this time - from 11 to 14 years? This age sitting in chat rooms and navel rings in? How to rediscover how to communicate with the child, who always was there, but suddenly began to turn into an adult?

Dealing with teenagers sometimes difficult. They are vulnerable and the bayonet perceive any criticism from the parents - even the most innocuous. At the same time they themselves criticize any expression of adults. In short, parents and children during this period speak different languages.

Let's talk, Mom?

How to talk to a teenager? Here are some practical recommendations.


* Pay attention to him. Turn off the TV, put down the paper and completely switch to the child. Give him a chance to speak until the end before they begin to argue.
* Look, he says. In other words, pay attention to his nonverbal behavior: facial expression, posture and intonation. For example, the word "Super!", Depending on how it is uttered, may also indicate a high degree of admiration and quite the opposite.
* Make sure that the point of view of adolescent understood correctly before to voice their own opinions or give advice. Do not make assumptions.
* Use active listening. Periodically loud summarizes what is behind the words of a teenager. Here's an example. Teenager (tearfully): "The teacher on the history of unfair. She hates me and always comes over to me. I'll stay for the second year. " Parent: "You hurt, you're not sure of themselves. Instead, adults often say: "No, the teacher does not hate you. You just need to do more, and you'll be best in class ".
* Stick to the topic. Teens - masters divert the conversation away. It looks approximately as follows. Parent: "Go to your room and move in the room. The teenager answered: "Why are you such a bad mood?".


* Talking patronizing tone.
* Arrange interviews. ( "How much did you come to Anna?" Who else was there? "What did you do?" And her brother was there? "And what did you do then?")
* Teach. ( "When I was your age ....")
* Prove that the adults are always right. Teens acutely aware of their dependence and often enter into verbal fights with her parents for the right to vote.
* Pester with tips like: "I would be in your place ..." in response to any replica of the child.
* Read morality.
* Ridiculing, called names, make disparaging and derogatory comments.
* Find fault.

Try as much as possible to participate in the life of the child.

Participate in children's lives

Many parents mistakenly have a policy of non-interference and detached watched as children get older. Adolescence requires the highest attention. Parents should be aware of all aspects of life of a teenager, to get acquainted with his friends and their parents know where he is, what makes the school and is doing in your spare time.

Only an open discussion would help to know that a teenager is thinking about the experiments with alcohol or sex, and prepare it for physical and emotional changes, with whom he will inevitably face as they grow older.

Set framework

Teenagers, it is important to know the limits of their independence, but to acquire their own life experience. Only this can instill in them a sense of independence and self-esteem.

Of course, in cases where there is a real threat to life and health (eg, drug use), or a teenager can not do at their discretion, parents should hold their line and warn him of the possible consequences. For example, in punishment for what a teenager interrupts adults during a telephone conversation, you can then keep at bay the entire day to his unit. The main thing - an act, not threaten in vain.

If, despite all efforts by the parents, the teenager is still worried, should not take it personally.

Adolescents engage in polemics on any subject, but this does not mean that they hate their parents or see them as bad. Irritation is not directed at anyone personally. It's just a struggle for territory.

If these methods do not help, try with the child to turn to marriage counseling.
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Do plastic surgery teenager?

Almost all teenagers are dissatisfied with their appearance. At this age, boys and girls begin acutely aware of their characteristics and depend heavily on the views of their peers. Your son or daughter may want to get rid of moles, correct the shape of the nose or ears.

In 2006, U.S. adolescents was made about 250 thousand plastic surgeries. Treatments ranged from reducing the volume of the chest to Botox injections. Why do so many teenagers are trying to "go under the knife? One reason may be low self-esteem. Plastic surgery is perceived as a quick way to gain popularity. Equally important may be an example of a relative that made a facelift, or a Hollywood celebrity with a silicone-inflated lips.

In some cases, parents themselves dissatisfied with appearance of children and advise them to undergo cosmetic surgery, or present it as a gift for a birthday or graduation.

What plastic surgery to make teenagers more often

According to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons of the three most common surgery in adolescents aged 13 to 18 years:

* Rhinoplasty - nose correction
* Otoplasty - ears correction form
* Reduction of breast cancer in men - Remove excess breast tissue

Otoplasty is safe for children as young as 4 years of age. Other plastic surgery such as rhinoplasty and a reduction in breast cancer, to perform better after the cessation of growth, usually in late adolescence. Before you go to a plastic surgeon to talk to your child, explain the risk and find out what he or she expects to see as a result of the operation.

Sometimes teenagers worry about the defect, which is barely noticeable or at all is imaginary. Perhaps the child's own perception of violated Y. If you have such suspicions, try to consult with general practitioners, a pediatrician or a psychologist, as in this case, plastic surgery does not resolve the problem and can lead to more frustration.

Teach the adolescent to accept myself as is, and maybe change your lifestyle in a positive direction, may be more effective than surgery. Try to talk to him about the rules of healthy nutrition and sports. If a teenager inadequate perception of self, parents can encourage them to apply to psychological counseling.

Do I need plastic surgery for your child?

The teenager should be ready for plastic surgery are physically and emotionally. Here are some points that it is desirable to consider before making a final decision:

* Why did he or she wants to have cosmetic surgery? To get rid of the chaff or become more attractive / nd in the eyes of others? Does the he / she has physical discomfort? Perhaps a teenager so easily applicable to the operation because she had made for themselves to other family members?
* Is there another way to solve the problem? For example, losing weight through diet and exercise are much safer than liposuction operation, not to mention the fact that the sport generates useful habits for life. Less drastic measures - a new hairstyle, makeup or contact lenses - can also provide a great service. An effective method of improving self-esteem is a consulting psychologist.
* Is it realistic to view the adolescent about the possibilities of plastic surgery? Waiting whether he thought that his appearance would be completely different? Or that these changes will occur as if by magic in one night?
* Is he prepared for the recovery period? Recovery time can be quite painful and accompanied by swelling and bruises on-site operations.
* Adequately whether he / she assesses the risk? The operation can lead to complications from bleeding or infection, and ending with death. In some cases, to obtain the desired result may require reoperation.

The teenager should talk frankly with their parents and doctor about what he expects as a result of the operation. An experienced surgeon can not only talk about the particular procedures, but also help to understand whether the teenager needs it and how realistic his expectations. Only when all sides are equally aware of the situation, you can begin preparing for plastic surgery. Not Official Blog

Homosexuality in adolescence: stage of development?

Adolescence - time of change and sexual discovery. Disappointments and experiments - an integral part of this period.

During puberty, some boys and girls experience sexual attraction to people of their gender. For some it's a natural stage of development. Even a strong attraction does not mean that the child is sure to become a homosexual.

However, some teenagers attracted to members of the same sex does not pass with time. Some of the early years to understand its features. Others come to realize his own homosexuality gradually.

Homosexual love

These gay men (approximately 10% of the population) experience sexual attraction only to representatives of their sex. In addition, there are bisexual - people who experience attraction to people of both sexes.

Why some people are homosexual, and not others is unknown. There are several theories explaining this phenomenon:

* Heredity. Some scientists believe that sexual preferences are formed before the appearance of man on earth.
* Environment. According to this theory, sexual preferences are laid in early childhood.

It is known that sexual orientation is not chosen. It can not be changed by force of will, with medication or psychotherapy.

If your child is interested in the question of homosexuality, be sure to listen to him. Treat his problem seriously, do not ignore it.

Delicate issue

Some people do not accept homosexuality. Therefore, a teenager is difficult to speak frankly about it. Young people are often afraid of how this news will perceive members of their family and friends.

Sometimes young people are fleeing from the turmoil, pain and stress, using drugs and alcohol. Because of the sexual orientation of their treat at school. Some have suicidal thoughts. All this - serious problems requiring specialist intervention.

Adolescents who have experienced sexual problems, lack of communication. So, as at this moment would react to them, parents, strongly affects their self-esteem.

Tough talk

Parents are often not ready to discuss with the adolescent problems of homosexuality. But all is not lost if the child trusts you to such mysteries.

* Thank the child for the trust. Tell me, what he called the address, and you would try to help him.
* Tell your child that you are worried for him that you love and accept a son or daughter, regardless of his (her) sexual orientation.
* Explain that his desires are caused by hormonal changes typical of the transitional age. Tell me that this could be a temporary phenomenon. Sexual attraction to a representative of the same sex is not always evidence of homosexuality.
* Help your child find the answers to their questions. Sometimes to help your child understand their feelings can be a psychologist.

Some parents unbearable to think that their child is homosexual. Still your teen deserves and needs your love. Never leave him alone with problems.
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