Sunday, December 13, 2009

Red eyes? Conjunctivitis

I kid blushed eye?
Or even both at once?
Rather, it is conjunctivitis.

What illness?

Conjunctivitis can be deciphered as "inflammation of the conjunctiva. In principle, our conjunctiva fairly resistant to infection. Tear fluid has antibacterial activity through the content of immunoglobulins, components of complement, lactoferrin, lysozyme and beta-lysine. They "devour" bacteria and prevent inflammation develop. Our lids also protect the eyes: they are mechanically washed away a tear and thus reduce the number of bacteria on its surface. However, even these barriers are not always save. Pathogens of conjunctivitis may be bacteria (staphylococci, meningococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, diphtheria bacillus), viruses (influenza virus, adenoviruses, measles virus, herpes virus) and chlamydia. A special group of distinguished allergic conjunctivitis. Their cause may be the pollens, dust, odors, etc.

Look in the eyes

The course of illness in babies quite different than in adults. In young children with conjunctivitis broken sleep and appetite, they refuse to even the favorite foods, become cranky, do not want to deal with the usual toys. Because of the itching kid rubs his eyes handles. Guess that it is conjunctivitis, it is possible to have the following characteristics: age of bonding in the morning, the formation of yellow crusts on the eyelids, photophobia, tears, and suppuration. In postponing the lower eyelid are visible swelling and redness of the conjunctiva. Do not forget that babies are no tears, so any discharge can be a sign of conjunctivitis. Older children may complain of burning, a feeling of a foreign body ( "sand") in the eyes, pain. Perhaps worse visual acuity, a child will say that he sees clearly.

More acute conjunctivitis occur in children under the age of 7 years. This is due to the fact that in this age, children are playing together and not yet accustomed to observe good personal hygiene. If the child attends kindergarten, you should immediately isolate him, to disinfect the premises where the contact children, and begin prophylactic instillation these children disinfectant drops.

Advice required!

If you notice changes in the eye of the child should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. It causes redness can be and did not get eyelash, and an attack of glaucoma (a disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure), and inflammation in the deeper shells of his eyes, threatening the loss of vision. If you immediately seek medical attention for any reason impossible, can provide first aid to the child alone. Necessary every 1-2 hours during the first day to produce toilet Eyes: brown with age removed with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of warm chamomile, furatsilinom or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and if not at hand these tools, then heated with boiled water. In the next 7 days conducting the same procedure 2-3 times a day. In addition to washing, disinfectants should be done instillation of drops every 2-4 hours. You can use 10% (for infants), 20% (for children over 1 year) solution albutsida, 0,25% solution levomitsetina, futsitalmik, eubital, vitabakt, kolbiotsin. There are special ointment: 1% eritromitsinovaya, 1% tetracycline, tobreks. As stihaniya process of burying the frequency decreases to 3-4 times a day. All washing and burying spend two eyes, even if only one red, because the disease often begins with one, and then moves to the other eye. Do not impose any bandages, because they are under all conditions (heat, humidity) for the spread of infection to the next shell of the eye (cornea) and the occurrence of keratitis. A keratitis can cause blindness.

Features treatment

Different types of conjunctivitis are some features of flow and treatment. Adenoviral conjunctivitis is the most common and most infectious. At first the child just rising temperatures, decreased appetite and headache. Then comes a temporary decline in the temperature, the condition seemed to improve. This is followed by a new rise in temperature, against which there is redness of the eyes. Discharge from him with a weak or absent. In addition to all signs of conjunctivitis increased lymph nodes, the child may be a runny nose and sore throat. As with all viral lesions, the sensitivity of the eye is reduced, ie will not tear, complaining of severe burning. Adenoviral infections are cured instillation of interferon Poludan, laying 0,25% tebrofenovoy florenalevoy or ointment for the lower eyelid.

The second highest prevalence of viral herpetic conjunctivitis. Conjunctiva with an often uneven, the edges of the eyelids and around the eyes often appear vesicles (bubbles) and pustules (blisters with pus). The child will be marked lacrimation, photophobia. Currently, the treatment effectively applied antiherpetic drug acyclovir (both local as well as inside).

Do not impose any bandages, because they are under all conditions for the spread of infection in the cornea and the occurrence of keratitis.

Staphylococcal and pneumococcal conjunctivitis characterized by acute onset, lesions in one eye at first, later - the second. Strongly expressed redness and usually goes much purulent.

Gonococcal conjunctivitis usually develops in newborns 2-3 days after birth. The source of infection are the mother's birth canal, medical personnel or objects of care. From the eye crumbs are abundant mucous discharge. Because of the strong swelling eyelids practically open. This conjunctivitis is very dangerous: if left untreated, can cause inflammation of the eye (endophthalmitis).

Diphtheria conjunctivitis is characterized by severe edema of the eyes and films, when you remove the blood that can go and cause serious scarring. Must wait until the paddy themselves "disengage" in 7-10 days.

Allergic conjunctivitis are separate and on occasion, and treatment. First, they are characterized by seasonal occurrence - the late winter and early spring. Secondly, it affects the two eyes simultaneously. Third, boys are more likely to get sick. Child will disturb a very strong itching. Treatment of the conjunctivitis differs from the others. The child should wear sunglasses, 2-3 times a day should be buried (only by prescription), immunosuppressants (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone), and allergy drops (lekrolin, allergoftal, spersallerg, allergodil, solution dimedrol).
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